Friday, December 7, 2018

Piccolo pub - Little Pub

Vi saluto amici, ci vedremo domani.....
Se la notte non fa il suo colpo stanotte
Trombe irreali, ululano cani, si sentono
Odo marcette militari
Nel '43, ero malato
Vidi tutta la mia vita
Sudato scorreva finita
Vi saluto, amici, ci vedremo domani....
Se la notte non fa il suo colpo stanotte

Cerimonioso, entro
Nel suo centro vitale
(L'armatura rimanda la Luce Originale.)
Guerriero della vita
Sospendo le armi e la battaglia

Birra e urina
Si scambiano le parti:
La latrina รจ il tuo caveau
Liquido vitale scorre in entrambe
Regalo della notte, piccolo pub

Nessuno o tutt'uno
Vacca nera sono
Gatto grigio nella tua notte
Nessuno o tutt'uno
Vacca nera sei
Gatto grigio nella mia note

© 1995 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

In "Piccolo pub," Sgalambro offers Battiato a lyric far from the spiritual realms explored throughout his career to this point. From "the domain of Pre-existence" to "beer and urine" in two short years!

Farewell friends, see you tomorrow . . .
if the night doesn’t make its hit tonight.
Unreal trumpets, dogs howl,
I hear military marches.
In ’43, I was sick,
I saw my whole life,
sweaty, it ran to its end.
Farewell friends, see you tomorrow . . .
if the night doesn’t make its hit tonight.

Primly, I enter
into your vital center
. (The armor sends back the Original Light.)
Warrior of life,
I suspend the arms and the battle.

Beer and urine
exchange their parts:
the latrine is your vault,
vital liquid runs in both.
Gift of the night, little pub.

No one or all-one,
black cow am I,
gray cat in your night.
No one or all-one,
black cow am I,
gray cat in your night.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

L'ombrella e la macchina da cucire was released in 1995. It was recorded at Battiato's home using only electronic instruments, and for him it was somewhat of a return to the musical experimentation that characterized his 1970s work. The lyrics were written by Manlio Sgalambro, the Sicilian philosopher who said that, for him, Hegel's The Phenomenology of Spirit sung like music in his ears. References to philosophy and literature abound; the title of the album is taken from a line by the French poet Isidore Ducasse: "Beautiful as a chance encounter between a sewing machine and an umbrella on an operating table." This line, according to Max Ernst, is the key to understanding surrealist poetry - "the search for beauty through the pairing of two seemingly irreconcilable realities." Battiato felt liberated by not having to write lyrics, and he was stimulated to explore and discover new musical realms by the different aesthetic that Sgalambro brought to wordsmithing, one that flows from a man in many ways his opposite. Sgalambro described it this way: "Spiritual, transcendent, ascetic the first [Battiato]. Materialist, fleeting, anti-poetic, even cynical, the second [Sgalambro]."
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