Sunday, October 7, 2018

Le sacre sinfonie del tempo -                                            The Sacred Symphonies of Time

Le sento più vicine
le sacre sinfonie del tempo
Con una idea:
che siamo esseri immortali
Caduti nelle tenebre,
destinati a errare;
Nei secoli dei secoli,
fino a completa guarigione

Guardando l'orizzonte,
un'aria di infinito mi commuove;
Anche se a volte,
le insidie di energie lunari
Specialmente al buio
mi fanno vivere
nell'apparente inutilità
Nella totale confusione

... Che siamo angeli caduti
in terra dall'eterno
Senza più memoria:
per secoli, per secoli
Fino a completa guarigione

Le sacre sinfonie del tempo © 1991 Franco Battiato

"Le sacre sinfonie del tempo" is a contemplative song about a sacred Eternity from which we came and to which we will return and be healed. According to Gurdjieff, the moon feeds on our souls and pushes us in directions that take us further from a sense of the divine, even into violence and war.

I hear them closer,
the sacred symphonies of time,
with an idea:
that we are immortal beings
fallen into darkness,
destined to err,
forever and ever,
until complete healing.

Looking at the horizon,
a breath of the infinite moves me;
even if at times
the perils of lunar energies,
especially in the darkness,
make me live
in seeming futility.
In the total confusion

. . . that we are fallen angels
on land since eternity
with no more memory:
for centuries, for centuries
until complete healing.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Come un camello in una grondaia was released in 1991, and was recorded at Abbey Road Studios because Battiato and arranger Giusto Pio wanted to use the Astarte Orchestra and the Ambrosian Singers, both based in London. The album marks a further distancing from Battiato's 1980s pop/rock period, with the rhythm section being jettisoned, resulting in four contemporary Lieder, which are poems set to classical music. These four works of Battiato are paired with four traditional Lieder: Schmerzen by Wagner, Plaisir d'amour by Martini Il Tedesco, Gestillte Sehnsucht by Brahms, and Oh Sweet Were the Hours by Beethoven.
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