Sunday, July 1, 2018

L'animale - The Animal

Vivere non è difficile potendo poi rinascere
Cambierei molte cose un po' di leggerezza
e di stupidità
Fingere tu riesci a fingere quando ti trovi
accanto a me
Mi dai sempre ragione e avrei voglia di dirti
Ch' è meglio se sto solo...

Ma l' animale che mi porto dentro
Non mi fa vivere felice mai
Si prende tutto anche il caffè
Mi rende schiavo delle mie passioni
E non si arrende mai
e non sa attendere
E l' animale che mi porto dentro vuole te

Dentro me segni di fuoco
è l'acqua che li spegne
Se vuoi farli bruciare
tu lasciali nell' aria
Oppure sulla terra

Ma l' animale che mi porto dentro
Non mi fa vivere felice mai
Si prende tutto anche il caffè
Mi rende schiavo delle mie passioni
E non si arrende mai
e non sa attendere
E l' animale che mi porto dentro vuole te....

L'animale © 1985 Franco Battiato

"L'animale" is a song about the human passions that people find themselves at the mercy of. Battiato noted that it was not autobiographical, but rather "borrowed from the experiences of other people."

Living isn’t difficult, being able to then be reborn.
I would change many things, a bit of lightness
and of stupidity.
Pretending, you manage to pretend when you find
yourself next to me.
You always agree with me, and I’d like to tell you
that it’s better if I’m alone . . .

But the animal that I carry inside
never makes me live happily, ever.
Everything is taken, even the coffee.
It makes me a slave of my passions
and it never surrenders
and doesn’t know how to wait, and the animal I carry inside wants you.

Inside me signs of fire,
it’s water that puts them out.
If you want to make them burn,
leave them in the air
or on the earth.

But the animal that I carry inside
never makes me live happily, ever.
Everything is taken, even the coffee.
It makes me a slave of my passions
and it never surrenders
and doesn’t know how to wait,
and the animal I carry inside wants you . . .

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Mondi lontanissimi was released in 1985 and was originally conceived as a sort of intergalactic fable. According to Battiato, "The far-distant worlds are the worlds of fantasy, of the planets of our constellation in which perhaps there are other forms of life that we're not able to imagine; also the interior worlds, those levels of awareness that not only can we not imagine but that we waste like the greatest treasure hidden in every individual." Giusto Pio collaborated on the arrangements and on most of the music, and also directed the Milan Symphony Orchestra, whose presence here lends warmth to what is sometimes a certain coldness in Battiato's more synth-heavy work.
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