Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Chan-son egocentrique - Egocentric Song

Avenue Park
My life in the dark
I with me
Do you smile
For arabian style
I like hit
Miami Beach boys
Children with toys
Across the universe

Chan-son egocentrique
Self centred song
Chan-son egocentrique
Self centred song

Chi sono, dove sono
Quando sono assente di me
Da dove vengo, dove vado
Dalla pupilla viziosa delle nuvole
La luna scende i gradini di grattacieli
Per prendermi la vita

Chan-son egocentrique ...

Central Park
I love in the dark
Ich bin klein
People sang
Around the campfire ground
I remember
Prehistoric sound
Was the time of the dinosaur age
Oh, nein

Chan-son egocentrique © 1982 Francesco Messina, Tommaso Tramonti, Franco Battiato

"Chan-son egocentrique" was originally written in 1982 for an album by Alice. All three authors were deeply into the teachings of Gurdjieff, so we can understand the question "where am I when I am absent myself?" to be a philosophic koan based on the Gurdjieffian understanding that we live most of our lives unconscious of our own deeper, more real self. The five lines at the end of the song beginning with "People sang" are taken from the song "Prehistoric Sound" by Osage Tribe, a progressive rock band Battiato founded in 1972.

Avenue Park
My life in the dark
I with me
Do you smile
For Arabian style
I like hit
Miami Beach boys
Children with toys
Across the universe

Self-centered song
Self-centered song
Self-centered song
Self-centered song

Who am I, where am I
when I am absent of myself?
Where do I come from, where do I go?
From the depraved pupils of the clouds
the moon descends the stairs of skyscrapers
to take my life.

Self-centered song ...

Central Park
I love in the dark
I am small
People sang
Around the campfire ground
I remember
Prehistoric sound
Was the time of the dinosaur age
Oh, no.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Mondi lontanissimi was released in 1985 and was originally conceived as a sort of intergalactic fable. According to Battiato, "The far-distant worlds are the worlds of fantasy, of the planets of our constellation in which perhaps there are other forms of life that we're not able to imagine; also the interior worlds, those levels of awareness that not only can we not imagine but that we waste like the greatest treasure hidden in every individual." Giusto Pio collaborated on the arrangements and on most of the music, and also directed the Milan Symphony Orchestra, whose presence here lends warmth to what is sometimes a certain coldness in Battiato's more synth-heavy work.
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