Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Giubbe rosse - Red Shirts

Abito in una casa di collina
E userò la macchina tre volte al mese
Con 2000 lire di benzina
Scendo giù in paese
Quante lucertole attraversano la strada
Vanno veloci ed io più piano ad evitarle

Quanti giardini di aranci e limoni
Balconi traboccanti di gerani
Per Pasqua oppure quando ci si sposa
Usiamo per lavarci
Petali di rose
E le lucertole attraversano la strada

Com'è diverso e uguale
Il loro mondo dal mio
Vivere più a sud
Per trovare la mia stella
E i cieli e i mari
Prima dov'ero

Passare dal mercato del pesce
Prendere i collari in farmacia per i cani
E ritirare i vetri cattedrale del gazebo

Il fuoco incandescente del vulcano
Allontanò il potere delle Giubbe Rosse
E come sembra tutto disumano
E certi capi allora e oggi
E certe masse
Quanti fantasmi ci attraversano la strada

Ritornare a sud
Per seguire il mio destino
La prossima tappa
Del mio cammino in me
Per trovare la mia stella
E i cieli e i mari
Prima dov'ero

Giubbe rosse © 1989 Franco Battiato

"Giubbe rosse" is a sort of homage to the South of Italy, marking Battiato's return to living there after his many years in Milan. The giubbe rosse were and for some still are a symbol of the enemy for Sicilians - these Red Shirts were the soldiers of Giuseppe Garibaldi who united most of Italy in the 1860s, though many in the then Kingdom of Two Sicilies viewed the "unification" as an invasion by the northern Savoy dynasty. On the other hand, there is a famous café in Florence, Caffè Giubbe Rosse, that served as an important meeting place for artists and intellectuals in the early 20th century. Above all else, the song shows Battiato ensconced in the world of Sicily, back where his roots are.

I live in a house on a hill
and I’ll use the car three times a month.
With 2,000 liras of gasoline
I head down to the town.
So many lizards crossing the road –
they go fast, and I more slowly to avoid them.

So many gardens of oranges and lemons,
balconies with geraniums spilling over.
For Easter, or when people get married,
for washing ourselves we use
rose petals,
and the lizards cross the road.

How different it is, and equal,
their world from mine.
Living more to the south
to find my star
and the heavens and the seas
before where I used to be.

Passing by the fish market,
grabbing collars in the pharmacy for the dogs,
and retracting the cathedral windows of the gazebo.
The incandescent fire of the volcano
distanced the power of the Red Shirts.
And how everything seems inhumane,
and certain leaders then and now
and certain masses,
so many phantoms cross the road through us.

Returning south
to follow my destiny,
the next stop
of my journey into myself,
to find my star
and the heavens and the seas
before where I used to be.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Giubbe rosse was released in 1989. It captures performances from the winter portion of the Fisiognomica tour, and included four Battiato songs not previously released on any of his albums.
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