Monday, July 9, 2018

Via Lattea - The Milky Way

Ci alzammo che non era ancora l'alba
Pronti per trasbordare
Dentro un satellite artificiale
Che ci condusse in fretta
Alle porte di Sirio
Dove un equipaggio sperimentale
Si preparava
Al lungo viaggio
Provinciali dell'Orsa Minore
Alla conquista degli spazi interstellari
E vestiti di grigio chiaro
Per non disperdersi

Seguimmo certe rotte in diagonale
Dentro la Via Lattea

Un capitano del centro impressioni
Colto da esaurimento
Venne presto mandato in esilio
Mi preparavo
Al lungo viaggio
In cui ci si perde

Seguimmo certe rotte in diagonale
Dentro la Via Lattea

Via Lattea © 1985 Franco Battiato

In "Via Lattea," we are ready for the blast off that will take us to those "far-distant worlds" of the album title.

We got up when it wasn’t even dawn
ready to transship
inside an artificial satellite
that led us in haste
to the gates of Sirius,
where an experimental crew
was preparing
for the long voyage –
provincials of Ursa Minor –
for the conquest of interstellar spaces,
and dressed in light grey
so as not to get disbanded.

We followed certain routes on the diagonal
inside the Milky Way.

A captain from the Center of Impressions,
hit by exhaustion,
was quickly sent into exile.
I prepared myself
for the long voyage
in which you get lost.

We followed certain routes on the diagonal
inside the Milky Way.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Mondi lontanissimi was released in 1985 and was originally conceived as a sort of intergalactic fable. According to Battiato, "The far-distant worlds are the worlds of fantasy, of the planets of our constellation in which perhaps there are other forms of life that we're not able to imagine; also the interior worlds, those levels of awareness that not only can we not imagine but that we waste like the greatest treasure hidden in every individual." Giusto Pio collaborated on the arrangements and on most of the music, and also directed the Milan Symphony Orchestra, whose presence here lends warmth to what is sometimes a certain coldness in Battiato's more synth-heavy work.
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Sunday, July 8, 2018

Risveglio di primavera - Awakening of Springtime

La presenza dell'artiglieria
Nei paesi del meridione
Uniti nella lotta allo straniero
Sotto il Regno delle Due Sicilie
E i movimenti prevedibili
Delle truppe in finte battaglie
L'odore della polvere da sparo
E voci dallo stretto di Messina

Sentimenti occulti tra noi
Mi innamorai
Seguendo i ritmi del cuore
E mi svegliai in primavera

Notti bianche per i Saraceni
Ch'erano di facili costumi
Locande chiuse ai Greci e agli Spagnoli
Nei dintorni di Catania
E i movimenti irresistibili
Dei bacini delle ragazze
Vedere ballare il flamenco
Era un'esperienza sensualissima

Sentimenti occulti tra noi
Mi innamorai
Seguendo i ritmi del cuore
E mi svegliai in primavera
Risveglio di primavera

Risveglio di primavera © 1985 Franco Battiato

"Risveglio di primavera" shares its title with a play of the same name by the German playwright Frank Wedekind, though the play and the song are of opposite tone. The historic details in the verses range from the many foreign dominations of Sicily to the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies just before the Italian unification. The chorus speaks of an innocent and wholesome awakening of love/sex (unlike the play), but whenever Battiato talks about "waking up," one must also be aware of the Gurdjieffian overtones, which point to a spiritual awakening from the state of deep sleep that all people live their lives in . . . until they wake up to remember their true self.

The presence of the artillery
in the towns of the south
united in the fight against the foreigner
under the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.
And the predictable movements
of the troops in fake battles,
the smell of the gunpowder,
and voices from the Strait of Messina.

Hidden sentiments between us.
I fell in love
following the rhythms of the heart
and I woke up in springtime.

White nights for the Saracens
who were of simple garb.
Inns closed to the Greeks and Spaniards
on the outskirts of Catania.
And the irresistible movements
of the hips of the girls –
seeing Flamenco dancing
was a most sensual experience.

Hidden sentiments between us.
I fell in love
following the rhythms of the heart
and I woke up in springtime.
Awakening of springtime.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Mondi lontanissimi was released in 1985 and was originally conceived as a sort of intergalactic fable. According to Battiato, "The far-distant worlds are the worlds of fantasy, of the planets of our constellation in which perhaps there are other forms of life that we're not able to imagine; also the interior worlds, those levels of awareness that not only can we not imagine but that we waste like the greatest treasure hidden in every individual." Giusto Pio collaborated on the arrangements and on most of the music, and also directed the Milan Symphony Orchestra, whose presence here lends warmth to what is sometimes a certain coldness in Battiato's more synth-heavy work.
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Saturday, July 7, 2018

No Time no Space

Parlami dell' esistenza di mondi lontanissimi
Di civiltà sepolte di continenti alla deriva
Parlami dell'amore che si fa
in mezzo agli uomini
Di viaggiatori anomali in territori mistici ...
di più
Seguimmo per istinto le scie delle Comete
Come Avanguardie di un altro sistema solare

No Time No Space
Another race of vibrations
The sea of the simulation
Keep your feelings in memories
I love you especially tonight

Controllori di volo pronti per il decollo
Telescopi giganti per seguire le stelle
Navigare navigare nello spazio nello spazio ...
di più

No Time No Space
Another race of vibrations
The sea of the simulation
Keep your feelings in memories
I love you especially tonight

No Time no Space © 1985 Franco Battiato & Saro Cosentino

"No Time no Space" is like a companion piece to "Via Lattea," and was the first single released from the album.

Speak to me of the existence of distant worlds,
of buried civilizations, of floating continents.
Speak to me of the love made
amongst men,
of anomalous travelers in mystical territories . . .
of more.
We followed by instinct the wakes of Comets
as the Advance Guard of another solar system.

No Time No Space
Another race of vibrations
The sea of the simulation
Keep your feelings in memories
I love you especially tonight

Flight controllers ready for takeoff,
huge telescopes for following the stars,
navigating, navigating in space, in space . . .

No Time No Space
Another race of vibrations
The sea of the simulation
Keep your feelings in memories
I love you especially tonight

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Mondi lontanissimi was released in 1985 and was originally conceived as a sort of intergalactic fable. According to Battiato, "The far-distant worlds are the worlds of fantasy, of the planets of our constellation in which perhaps there are other forms of life that we're not able to imagine; also the interior worlds, those levels of awareness that not only can we not imagine but that we waste like the greatest treasure hidden in every individual." Giusto Pio collaborated on the arrangements and on most of the music, and also directed the Milan Symphony Orchestra, whose presence here lends warmth to what is sometimes a certain coldness in Battiato's more synth-heavy work.
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Friday, July 6, 2018

Personal computer

Mi son comprato un personal computer
Ma il cuore soffre un poco di aritmia
Non so come curare i reumatismi
Nelle famiglie personalità
Sempre in conflitto
A volte anche una finta gentilezza
è per litigare

Quando è notte
Nelle stanze d'albergo
Rumori di letto
Sesso meccanico
Questa ginnastica
Chiamata amore

Innumerevoli stati d'assedio
Propongono ricette per la vita
Ma ho già l'astrologia babilonese
Nel Medio Evo rinascimentale
C'è chi cerca una liberazione
E c'è chi scopre un'altra particella

Quando è notte
Nelle stanze d'albergo
Rumori di letto
Sesso meccanico
E il tuo telefono
è sempre occupato

Personal computer © 1985 Franco Battiato & Saro Consentino

"Personal computer" points to a mismatch between the advances of technology and the evolution of the human race, where technological progress leads to a devolution of society, with individuals ever more distant from each other.

I bought myself a personal computer.
But my heart suffers from a little arrhythmia.
I don’t know how to cure the rheumatisms
in the family’s personalities.
Always in conflict,
sometimes even a feigned kindness
is to be fought about.

When it’s night
in the hotel rooms,
bed sounds,
mechanical sex –
this gymnastics
called love.

Innumerable states of siege
propose recipes for life.
But I already have the Babylonian Astrology
in the medieval Rennaissance.
There are those seeking a liberation
and those discovering another new particle.

When it’s night
in the hotel rooms,
bed sounds,
mechanical sex,
and your telephone
is always busy.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Mondi lontanissimi was released in 1985 and was originally conceived as a sort of intergalactic fable. According to Battiato, "The far-distant worlds are the worlds of fantasy, of the planets of our constellation in which perhaps there are other forms of life that we're not able to imagine; also the interior worlds, those levels of awareness that not only can we not imagine but that we waste like the greatest treasure hidden in every individual." Giusto Pio collaborated on the arrangements and on most of the music, and also directed the Milan Symphony Orchestra, whose presence here lends warmth to what is sometimes a certain coldness in Battiato's more synth-heavy work.
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Thursday, July 5, 2018

Temporary Road

I'm looking for someone a miracle
To send my life in the curved air
I'm a lonely boy steppin' out
Solitary man ... I don't understand
Life can be short or long
Tomorrow is another day
I'm livin' underground like a teddy boy
I cross the rainbow

Migliaia di prigionieri immobili
Seduti sulle macchine ai semafori
Quando non c'è traffico per le vie del centro
Solitario me ne vo per la città
L'aria calma dei dí di festa
Scende dalle scale verso me
Vigilesse all'erta come teddy boys
Per divieto di sosta
Danno sempre le multe
Da una chiesa qui vicino
Suona una campana din don dan

Temporary Road © 1985 Franco Battiato

"Temporary Road" includes several references: to Terry Riley's A Rainbow in Curved Air, to Giacomo Leopardi's La sera del dì di festa, to a line from "In cerca di te" by Eros Sciorilli ("Sola me ne vo per la città"), and to a line from Gone With the Wind ("tomorrow is another day"). There's also the insertion of Mozart's Turkish Rondo (from the Piano Sonata #11) for the final lines and outro.

I'm looking for someone, a miracle
to send my life into the curved air.
I'm a lonely boy steppin' out,
solitary man . . . I don't understand.
Life can be short or long,
tomorrow is another day.
I'm livin' underground like a teddy boy,
I cross the rainbow.

Thousands of immobile prisoners
seated in their cars at the stop lights.
When there's no traffic on the downtown streets,
alone I head for the city.
The calm air of the holiday gods
descends the stairs in my direction.
Meter maids on the alert like teddy boys –
for No Stopping zones
they’re always giving tickets.
From a church nearby
a bell sounds – ding ding dong.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Mondi lontanissimi was released in 1985 and was originally conceived as a sort of intergalactic fable. According to Battiato, "The far-distant worlds are the worlds of fantasy, of the planets of our constellation in which perhaps there are other forms of life that we're not able to imagine; also the interior worlds, those levels of awareness that not only can we not imagine but that we waste like the greatest treasure hidden in every individual." Giusto Pio collaborated on the arrangements and on most of the music, and also directed the Milan Symphony Orchestra, whose presence here lends warmth to what is sometimes a certain coldness in Battiato's more synth-heavy work.
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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Il Re del Mondo - The King of the World

Strano come il rombo
degli aerei da caccia un tempo
Stonasse con il ritmo
delle piante al sole sui balconi ...
E poi silenzio ... e poi, lontano
Il tuono dei cannoni, a freddo ...
E dalle radio dei segnali in codice

Un giorno in cielo, fuochi di Bengala ...
Ia Pace ritornò
Ma il Re del Mondo
Ci tiene prigioniero il cuore

Nei vestiti bianchi a ruota ...
Echi delle danze sufi ...
Nelle metro giapponesi, oggi
Macchine d'ossigeno
Più diventa tutto inutile
E più credi che sia vero
E il giorno della fine
Non ti servirà l'Inglese

... E sulle biciclette verso casa
La vita ci sfiorò
Ma il Re del Mondo
Ci tiene prigioniero il cuore

Il Re del Mondo © 1979 Franco Battiato

"Il Re del Mondo" refers to a book by René Guénon. One of the mainsprings of Guénon’s thought is the idea that the society of the modern West is not a triumph of evolution (an idea he despised) but rather a reflection of an extremely degenerate age that he equated with the Hindu Kali Yuga, or Age of Darkness. One corollary of this idea is the belief that humanity did have a connection with a sacred centre and hierarchy – in prehistoric times – but this connection has been obscured and to all practical purposes lost. Thus it was natural for Guénon to hold to an idea of a hidden sacred kingdom. “This ‘Holy Land,’ which is defended by guardians who keep it hidden from profane view while ensuring a certain exterior communication, is to all intents and purposes inaccessible and invisible to all except those possessing the necessary qualifications for entry,” he wrote. The song intro is an intriguing mix of time signatures (starting with the first minor chord: 4, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, then alternating 3-4-3s on the alternating major and minor chords), keeping you a little off balance until the regular groove of the song kicks in.

Strange how the rumble
of the fighter planes one time
clashed with the rhythm
of the plants in the sun on the balconies . . .
and then silence . . . and then, far away
the thunder of cannons, with cold intention . . .
and from the radios some signals in code.

One day in the sky, Bengal sparkler fireworks. . .
peace returned,
but the King of the World
holds prisoner our heart.

In their whirling white garb . . .
echoes of Sufi dances . . .
In Japanese metros, today,
oxygen machines.
The more everything becomes useless,
the more you believe it’s true.
And on the final day
English won’t do you any good.

. . . and on the bicycles near home
life touched us,
but the King of the World
holds prisoner our heart.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Mondi lontanissimi was released in 1985 and was originally conceived as a sort of intergalactic fable. According to Battiato, "The far-distant worlds are the worlds of fantasy, of the planets of our constellation in which perhaps there are other forms of life that we're not able to imagine; also the interior worlds, those levels of awareness that not only can we not imagine but that we waste like the greatest treasure hidden in every individual." Giusto Pio collaborated on the arrangements and on most of the music, and also directed the Milan Symphony Orchestra, whose presence here lends warmth to what is sometimes a certain coldness in Battiato's more synth-heavy work.
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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Chan-son egocentrique - Egocentric Song

Avenue Park
My life in the dark
I with me
Do you smile
For arabian style
I like hit
Miami Beach boys
Children with toys
Across the universe

Chan-son egocentrique
Self centred song
Chan-son egocentrique
Self centred song

Chi sono, dove sono
Quando sono assente di me
Da dove vengo, dove vado
Dalla pupilla viziosa delle nuvole
La luna scende i gradini di grattacieli
Per prendermi la vita

Chan-son egocentrique ...

Central Park
I love in the dark
Ich bin klein
People sang
Around the campfire ground
I remember
Prehistoric sound
Was the time of the dinosaur age
Oh, nein

Chan-son egocentrique © 1982 Francesco Messina, Tommaso Tramonti, Franco Battiato

"Chan-son egocentrique" was originally written in 1982 for an album by Alice. All three authors were deeply into the teachings of Gurdjieff, so we can understand the question "where am I when I am absent myself?" to be a philosophic koan based on the Gurdjieffian understanding that we live most of our lives unconscious of our own deeper, more real self. The five lines at the end of the song beginning with "People sang" are taken from the song "Prehistoric Sound" by Osage Tribe, a progressive rock band Battiato founded in 1972.

Avenue Park
My life in the dark
I with me
Do you smile
For Arabian style
I like hit
Miami Beach boys
Children with toys
Across the universe

Self-centered song
Self-centered song
Self-centered song
Self-centered song

Who am I, where am I
when I am absent of myself?
Where do I come from, where do I go?
From the depraved pupils of the clouds
the moon descends the stairs of skyscrapers
to take my life.

Self-centered song ...

Central Park
I love in the dark
I am small
People sang
Around the campfire ground
I remember
Prehistoric sound
Was the time of the dinosaur age
Oh, no.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Mondi lontanissimi was released in 1985 and was originally conceived as a sort of intergalactic fable. According to Battiato, "The far-distant worlds are the worlds of fantasy, of the planets of our constellation in which perhaps there are other forms of life that we're not able to imagine; also the interior worlds, those levels of awareness that not only can we not imagine but that we waste like the greatest treasure hidden in every individual." Giusto Pio collaborated on the arrangements and on most of the music, and also directed the Milan Symphony Orchestra, whose presence here lends warmth to what is sometimes a certain coldness in Battiato's more synth-heavy work.
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Monday, July 2, 2018

I Treni di Tozeur - The Trains of Tozeur

Nei villaggi di frontiera guardano passare i treni
Le strade deserte di Tozeur
Da una casa lontana tua madre mi vede
Si ricorda di me delle mie abitudini
E per un istante ritorna la voglia di vivere
A un'altra velocità
Passano ancora lenti i treni per Tozeur

Nelle chiese abbandonate si preparano rifugi
E nuove astronavi per viaggi interstellari
In una vecchia miniera distese di sale
E un ricordo di me come un incantesimo
E per un istante ritorna la voglia di vivere
A un'altra velocità
Passano ancora lenti i treni per Tozeur

Doch wir wollen dir ihn zeigen/Und du wirst...

Nei villaggi di frontiera guardano passare
I treni per Tozeur

I treni di Tozeur © 1985 Franco Battiato & Saro Cosentino

"I treni di Tozeur" was written in 1984 and represented Italy in the Eurovision Song Contest, sung there as a duet by Battiato and Alice. The song placed 5th out of 19, and was commercially successful both in Italy and in Europe more broadly. The lyrics take inspiration from Battiato's travels in the south of Tunisia, where Tozeur is a city and oasis, and specifically refer to a train line known as the North African Orient Express. The German snippet is an excerpt from Mozart's Magic Flute (Act II, Scene 27).

In the frontier towns they watch the trains pass
the desert roads of Tozeur.
From a distant house your mother sees me,
she remembers me, some of my habits.
And for an instant the desire returns to live
at another speed.
The trains bound for Tozeur still pass slowly.

In the abandoned churches refugees are prepared
and new spaceships for interstellar travel.
In an old mine, expanses of salt
and a memory of me like a spell.
And for an instant the desire returns to live
at another speed.
The trains bound for Tozeur still pass slowly.

Still we want to show him to you, and you will . . .

In the frontier towns they watch pass
the trains bound for Tozeur.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Mondi lontanissimi was released in 1985 and was originally conceived as a sort of intergalactic fable. According to Battiato, "The far-distant worlds are the worlds of fantasy, of the planets of our constellation in which perhaps there are other forms of life that we're not able to imagine; also the interior worlds, those levels of awareness that not only can we not imagine but that we waste like the greatest treasure hidden in every individual." Giusto Pio collaborated on the arrangements and on most of the music, and also directed the Milan Symphony Orchestra, whose presence here lends warmth to what is sometimes a certain coldness in Battiato's more synth-heavy work.
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Sunday, July 1, 2018

L'animale - The Animal

Vivere non è difficile potendo poi rinascere
Cambierei molte cose un po' di leggerezza
e di stupidità
Fingere tu riesci a fingere quando ti trovi
accanto a me
Mi dai sempre ragione e avrei voglia di dirti
Ch' è meglio se sto solo...

Ma l' animale che mi porto dentro
Non mi fa vivere felice mai
Si prende tutto anche il caffè
Mi rende schiavo delle mie passioni
E non si arrende mai
e non sa attendere
E l' animale che mi porto dentro vuole te

Dentro me segni di fuoco
è l'acqua che li spegne
Se vuoi farli bruciare
tu lasciali nell' aria
Oppure sulla terra

Ma l' animale che mi porto dentro
Non mi fa vivere felice mai
Si prende tutto anche il caffè
Mi rende schiavo delle mie passioni
E non si arrende mai
e non sa attendere
E l' animale che mi porto dentro vuole te....

L'animale © 1985 Franco Battiato

"L'animale" is a song about the human passions that people find themselves at the mercy of. Battiato noted that it was not autobiographical, but rather "borrowed from the experiences of other people."

Living isn’t difficult, being able to then be reborn.
I would change many things, a bit of lightness
and of stupidity.
Pretending, you manage to pretend when you find
yourself next to me.
You always agree with me, and I’d like to tell you
that it’s better if I’m alone . . .

But the animal that I carry inside
never makes me live happily, ever.
Everything is taken, even the coffee.
It makes me a slave of my passions
and it never surrenders
and doesn’t know how to wait, and the animal I carry inside wants you.

Inside me signs of fire,
it’s water that puts them out.
If you want to make them burn,
leave them in the air
or on the earth.

But the animal that I carry inside
never makes me live happily, ever.
Everything is taken, even the coffee.
It makes me a slave of my passions
and it never surrenders
and doesn’t know how to wait,
and the animal I carry inside wants you . . .

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Mondi lontanissimi was released in 1985 and was originally conceived as a sort of intergalactic fable. According to Battiato, "The far-distant worlds are the worlds of fantasy, of the planets of our constellation in which perhaps there are other forms of life that we're not able to imagine; also the interior worlds, those levels of awareness that not only can we not imagine but that we waste like the greatest treasure hidden in every individual." Giusto Pio collaborated on the arrangements and on most of the music, and also directed the Milan Symphony Orchestra, whose presence here lends warmth to what is sometimes a certain coldness in Battiato's more synth-heavy work.
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