Thursday, October 5, 2017

Areknames - Gnikkalebllahsfi

Ima areknames
Mala areknapes
Ima areknames
Mala areknapess
Atenoip arret elevoun
Sisopromatem ereitnorf alled etnem

Areknames © 1972 Franco Battiato
To understand these lyrics, read them backwards (it's not perfect; e.g., “atenoip” should be “atenaip”); that gets you "se manchera" in Italian and "if shall be lacking" in English. As theorized by Joel Cairo on Genius Lyrics, the translation of "Ima" and "Mala" has them being chord indications: ima -> a-mi = accordo – mi (in English: chord - E) and mala -> alam = accordo – la minore (chord - A minor). Battiato associated chords with chakras; E is the third note in a C scale -> 3rd chakra, A is the sixth note in a C scale -> 6th chakra. The 3rd chakra is associated with the solar plexus and symbolizes mental activities, intellect, personal power, and will; the 6th chakra is associated with the third eye and evokes intuition, extrasensory perception, and inner wisdom. Therefore, the un-reversed first two lines could be:
If willpower shall be lacking, If wisdom shall be lacking.

Ec gnikkalebllahsfi
mac gnikkalebllahsfi
Ec gnikkalebllahsfi
mac gnikkalebllahsfi
Tenalp htrae ehtwen
Sisohpromatem sreitnorf ehtfo dnim

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

"Pollution from 1972 is the captivating follow-up to Fetus. Like its predecessor, the album features Baroque textures, motorik rhythms, weird tape effects and Battiato's perfectly oblique vocals. Upon hearing Pollution, Frank Zappa joyfully proclaimed it 'genius.' . . . Pollution touches on themes of environmental catastrophe. Futurist allusions seep in through eccentric lyrics (at times sung backwards) about hydraulics, magnetic fields, etc., yet listeners don't need to speak the artist's language to grasp his melancholy vision. With Pollution, Battiato began touring. Al.Sa., the Milan publicity firm that collaborated with Battiato on his first two albums and that was instrumental in creating a Battiato persona that intrigued the Italian public, dubbed the tour "Battiato Pollution." The concerts, or “happenings” as they were conceived, were not simply presentations of the music from Fetus. Rather they were spectacles, with Battiato the avant-garde artist breaking down the old order in his outrageous costumes and with symbolic acts like breaking a large cross at some point during the show. The cross was meant to symbolize traditional culture, and is pictured on the back side of the Pollution album cover. The music on Pollution was developed and recorded concurrently with the Battiato Pollution tour. Again on this second album, the lyrics were written by Sergio Albergoni and Gianni Sassi (credited to Frankenstein), the principals of Al.Sa.
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