Tuesday, February 6, 2018

L'Era del Cinghiale Bianco - The Age of the White Boar

Pieni gli alberghi a Tunisi per le vacanze estive
A volte un temporale non ci faceva uscire
Un uomo di una certa età
Mi offriva spesso sigarette turche

Ma spero che ritorni presto
l'Era del Cinghiale Bianco
Spero che ritorni presto
l'Era del Cinghiale Bianco

Profumi indescrivibili nell'aria della sera
Studenti di Damasco vestiti tutti uguali
L'ombra della mia identità
Mentre sedevo al cinema oppure in un bar

Ma spero che ritorni presto
l'Era del Cinghiale Bianco
Spero che ritorni presto
l'Era del Cinghiale Bianco

L'Era del Cinghiale Bianco © 1979 Franco Battiato

The lyrics of "L'Era del Cinghiale Bianco" are classic Battiato. He strings together images and sensations to create a world in which he is living, and from which he then yearns to be delivered to a sacred higher ground.

Full, the hotels in Tunis for the summer holidays.
At times a storm kept us from going out.
A man of a certain age
regularly offered me Turkish cigarettes.

But I hope that soon shall return
the Age of the White Boar.
I hope that soon shall return
the Age of the White Boar.

Indescribable scents in the night air,
students of Damascus all dressed alike,
the shadow of my identity
while I sat in the cinema or in a café.

But I hope that soon shall return
the Age of the White Boar.
But I hope that soon shall return
the Age of the White Boar.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

L'Era del Cinghiale Bianco was released in 1979 and represented a 180-degree turn from Battiato's first eight avant-garde albums, which ranged from electronica to musique concrète to minimalist piano explorations. Battiato reinvented himself as a pop singer/songwriter and in so doing created a unique sound and style he would continue to rework for the rest of his career. The songs on this album introduce several touchstones for Battiato, with references to spirituality, ancient and modern history, Arabic culture, and his native Sicily. Violinist Giusto Pio collaborated on the arrangements. The constellation that we call the Age of Aquarius was once that of the Boar. In the Celtic tradition, the White Boar symbolized spiritual knowledge, or Consciousness.
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