Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Da Oriente ad Occidente - From East to West

Riduci le stelle in polvere
E non invecchierai
Mi appare in sogno Venere
Tu padre che ne sai?
Lontano da queste tenebre
Matura l'avvenire
Il cielo è senza nuvole
Padre fammi partire!

La luce sul vulcano
Mi indicherà l'uscita
Al fuoco delle tenebre
Scelgo una nuova vita

Da oriente ad occidente © 1973 Franco Battiato

Reduce the stars to dust
and you won't grow old -
Venus appears to me in a dream.
You, father, what do you know of it?
Far from this darkness
the future matures,
the sky is without clouds.
Father, let me depart!

The light on the volcano
will show me the way out.
In the fire of the darkness
I choose a new life.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

“Franco Battiato is often heralded as Italy's answer to Brian Eno. . . (Battiato) turned pop music upside down in the early '70s with three classic LPs – Fetus, Pollution and Sulle Corde Di Aries – that formed a confluence of avant-folk sensibilities and analog electronics. . . 1973's Sulle Corde Di Aries is the third chapter in Battiato's foray into esoteric pop. While the artist would venture further out into avant-garde terrain on subsequent releases, his early records enjoy a lyrical and playful spirit – eschewing traditional, song-based composition in favor of kosmische voyages. On Sulle Corde Di Aries, Battiato guides the labyrinthine structural changes and majestic tones to evolve gradually over four electroacoustic suites. . . While Fetus and Pollution are often considered his masterpieces, Sulle Corde Di Aries remains a hidden gem in Battiato's catalogue. With more of a cohesive album-feel than the previous records, Sulle Corde Di Aries slows the pace to take in the sweeping scope of otherworldly sounds and soulful harmonies.” – Superior Viaduct review.

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