Wednesday, February 7, 2018

L'Era del Cinghiale Bianco - The Age of the White Boar

In 1975, Battiato met Karlheinz Stockhausen, who encouraged him to learn traditional music notation and to study music theory. Battiato set himself on a course of self-study and immersed himself in the world of classical music. He also studied violin with Giusto Pio, who became a collaborator and musician on many subsequent albums. From 1976 through 1979 Battiato practically lived the life of a hermit as he pursued his sonic and musical research. He emerged occasionally to concertize, presentations that were long on improvisation based on various themes he was exploring and developing. He also continued to write music and produce work for other artists. Battiato’s own albums during these years were minimalist “contemporary classical” in nature, leaning on the piano, violin, voice, and occasionally other orchestral instruments for their tonality. The 1978 album Egitto prima delle sabie won the prestigious Stockhausen Prize in 1979 for works for solo piano. Once again, however, Battiato felt a calling to pursue a new musical direction and to break out of his cloistered existence. The “three-minute song form” became his new field of research and endeavor, and his goal was to connect with a larger audience, not by reflecting their world back to them but by describing his own internal worlds in a language that could be understood by all. L’Era del Cinghiale Bianco was his opening gambit.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

L'Era del Cinghiale Bianco - The Age of the White Boar

Pieni gli alberghi a Tunisi per le vacanze estive
A volte un temporale non ci faceva uscire
Un uomo di una certa età
Mi offriva spesso sigarette turche

Ma spero che ritorni presto
l'Era del Cinghiale Bianco
Spero che ritorni presto
l'Era del Cinghiale Bianco

Profumi indescrivibili nell'aria della sera
Studenti di Damasco vestiti tutti uguali
L'ombra della mia identità
Mentre sedevo al cinema oppure in un bar

Ma spero che ritorni presto
l'Era del Cinghiale Bianco
Spero che ritorni presto
l'Era del Cinghiale Bianco

L'Era del Cinghiale Bianco © 1979 Franco Battiato

The lyrics of "L'Era del Cinghiale Bianco" are classic Battiato. He strings together images and sensations to create a world in which he is living, and from which he then yearns to be delivered to a sacred higher ground.

Full, the hotels in Tunis for the summer holidays.
At times a storm kept us from going out.
A man of a certain age
regularly offered me Turkish cigarettes.

But I hope that soon shall return
the Age of the White Boar.
I hope that soon shall return
the Age of the White Boar.

Indescribable scents in the night air,
students of Damascus all dressed alike,
the shadow of my identity
while I sat in the cinema or in a café.

But I hope that soon shall return
the Age of the White Boar.
But I hope that soon shall return
the Age of the White Boar.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

L'Era del Cinghiale Bianco was released in 1979 and represented a 180-degree turn from Battiato's first eight avant-garde albums, which ranged from electronica to musique concrète to minimalist piano explorations. Battiato reinvented himself as a pop singer/songwriter and in so doing created a unique sound and style he would continue to rework for the rest of his career. The songs on this album introduce several touchstones for Battiato, with references to spirituality, ancient and modern history, Arabic culture, and his native Sicily. Violinist Giusto Pio collaborated on the arrangements. The constellation that we call the Age of Aquarius was once that of the Boar. In the Celtic tradition, the White Boar symbolized spiritual knowledge, or Consciousness.
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Monday, February 5, 2018

Magic Shop

C'è chi parte con un raga della sera
E finisce per cantare "la Paloma"
E giorni di digiuno e di silenzio
Per fare i cori nelle messe tipo Amanda Lear
Vuoi vedere che l'Età dell'Oro
Era appena l'ombra di Wall Street?
La Falce non fa più pensare al grano
Il grano invece fa pensare ai soldi
E più si cresce e più mestieri nuovi
Gli artisti pop, i manifesti ai muri
I Mantra e gli Hare Hare a mille lire
L'Esoterismo di René Guénon
Una Signora vende corpi astrali
I Budda vanno sopra i comodini
Deduco da una frase del Vangelo
Che è meglio un imbianchino di Le Corbusier
Eterna è tutta l'arte dei Musei
Carine le Piramidi d'Egitto
Un po' naifs i Lama tibetani
Lucidi e geniali i giornalisti
Supermercati coi reparti sacri che vendono
Gli incensi di Dior
Rubriche aperte sui peli del Papa

Magic Shop © 1979 Franco Battiato

"Magic Shop" is a commentary on the commercialization of art, culture and religion in the New Age movement.

There are those who start off with an evening raga
and end up singing “La Paloma.”
And days of fasting and silence
to sing harmonies in the masses à la Amanda Lear.
Do you want to bet that the Golden Age
was but a mere shadow of Wall Street?
The scythe no longer makes you think of grain;
instead, dough makes you think of money.
The more you grow up, the more new professions:
pop artists, handbills on the walls.
Mantras and the “Hare Hare” for a thousand lira,
the esotericism of René Guénon.
A lady sells astral bodies –
the Buddhas go above the night stands.
I deduce from a line in the Bible
that a housepainter is better than Le Corbusier.
Eternal is all the art of the museums,
cute the pyramids of Egypt.
A little “naïve art” the Tibetan lamas,
clear and brilliant the journalists.
Supermarkets with holy departments that sell
the incenses of Dior,
opinion columns on the hairs of the Pope.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

L'Era del Cinghiale Bianco was released in 1979 and represented a 180-degree turn from Battiato's first eight avant-garde albums, which ranged from electronica to musique concrète to minimalist piano explorations. Battiato reinvented himself as a pop singer/songwriter and in so doing created a unique sound and style he would continue to rework for the rest of his career. The songs on this album introduce several touchstones for Battiato, with references to spirituality, ancient and modern history, Arabic culture, and his native Sicily. Violinist Giusto Pio collaborated on the arrangements. The constellation that we call the Age of Aquarius was once that of the Boar. In the Celtic tradition, the White Boar symbolized spiritual knowledge, or Consciousness.
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Sunday, February 4, 2018

Strade dell'Est - Roads of the East

Carichi i treni che dall'Albania
Portano tanti stranieri in Siberia
Tappeti antichi mercanti indiani
Mettono su case tra Russia e Cina
Strade dell'Est

Spinto da i Turchi e dagli Iracheni
Qui fece campo Mustafà Mullah Barazani
Strade dell'Est d'immensi orizzonti
Città nascoste di lingua persiana
Da qui la Fine

Dicono storie di Principesse
Chiuse in castelli per troppa bellezza
Fiori di Loto giardini stupendi
...e Leningrado oggi

Di notte ancora ti può capitare
Di udire suoni di armonium sfiatati
E vecchi curdi che da mille anni
Offrono il petto a Novene...
Strade dell'Est

Strade dell'Est © 1979 Franco Battiato

"Strade dell'Est" references Mustafà Mullah Barzani, who was the primary political and military leader of the Kurdish revolution until his death in March 1979. He led campaigns of armed struggle against both the Iraqi and Iranian governments. A Novena is an ancient tradition of devotional praying in Christianity. The song starts with some fine bass playing; the bassist on the entire album was Julius Farmer, who hailed from New Orleans and played with Professor Longhair, Dr. John and the Wild Magnolias - no wonder it sounds so great!

Laden, the trains that from Albania
carry so many foreigners to Siberia.
Antique carpets Indian merchants
place in houses between Russia and China.
Roads of the East.

Driven by the Turks and by the Iraqis
here Mustafà Mullah Barzani set up camp.
Roads of the East of immense horizons,
lost cities of Persian language.
From here the End.

They tell tales of Princesses
kept in castles – too great was their beauty.
Lotus flowers, stupendous gardens
. . . and Leningrad today.

At night you can still happen upon
hearing the sounds of aerophone harmoniums,
and old Kurds who for a thousand years
have offered their souls at Novenas . . .
roads of the East.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

L'Era del Cinghiale Bianco was released in 1979 and represented a 180-degree turn from Battiato's first eight avant-garde albums, which ranged from electronica to musique concrète to minimalist piano explorations. Battiato reinvented himself as a pop singer/songwriter and in so doing created a unique sound and style he would continue to rework for the rest of his career. The songs on this album introduce several touchstones for Battiato, with references to spirituality, ancient and modern history, Arabic culture, and his native Sicily. Violinist Giusto Pio collaborated on the arrangements. The constellation that we call the Age of Aquarius was once that of the Boar. In the Celtic tradition, the White Boar symbolized spiritual knowledge, or Consciousness.
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Saturday, February 3, 2018

Il Re del Mondo - The King of the World

Strano come il rombo
degli aerei da caccia un tempo
Stonasse con il ritmo
delle piante al sole sui balconi ...
E poi silenzio ... e poi, lontano
Il tuono dei cannoni, a freddo ...
E dalle radio dei segnali in codice

Un giorno in cielo, fuochi di Bengala ...
Ia Pace ritornò
Ma il Re del Mondo
Ci tiene prigioniero il cuore

Nei vestiti bianchi a ruota ...
Echi delle danze sufi ...
Nelle metro giapponesi, oggi
Macchine d'ossigeno
Più diventa tutto inutile
E più credi che sia vero
E il giorno della fine
Non ti servirà l'Inglese

... E sulle biciclette verso casa
La vita ci sfiorò
Ma il Re del Mondo
Ci tiene prigioniero il cuore

Il Re del Mondo © 1979 Franco Battiato

"Il Re del Mondo" refers to a book by René Guénon. One of the mainsprings of Guénon’s thought is the idea that the society of the modern West is not a triumph of evolution (an idea he despised) but rather a reflection of an extremely degenerate age that he equated with the Hindu Kali Yuga, or Age of Darkness. One corollary of this idea is the belief that humanity did have a connection with a sacred centre and hierarchy – in prehistoric times – but this connection has been obscured and to all practical purposes lost. Thus it was natural for Guénon to hold to an idea of a hidden sacred kingdom. “This ‘Holy Land,’ which is defended by guardians who keep it hidden from profane view while ensuring a certain exterior communication, is to all intents and purposes inaccessible and invisible to all except those possessing the necessary qualifications for entry,” he wrote. The song intro is an intriguing mix of time signatures (starting with the first minor chord: 4, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, then alternating 3-4-3s on the alternating major and minor chords), keeping you a little off balance until the regular groove of the song kicks in.

Strange how the rumble
of the fighter planes one time
clashed with the rhythm
of the plants in the sun on the balconies . . .
and then silence . . . and then, far away
the thunder of cannons, with cold intention . . .
and from the radios some signals in code.

One day in the sky, Bengal sparkler fireworks. . .
peace returned,
but the King of the World
holds prisoner our heart.

In their whirling white garb . . .
echoes of Sufi dances . . .
In Japanese metros, today,
oxygen machines.
The more everything becomes useless,
the more you believe it’s true.
And on the final day
English won’t do you any good.

. . . and on the bicycles near home
life touched us,
but the King of the World
holds prisoner our heart.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

L'Era del Cinghiale Bianco was released in 1979 and represented a 180-degree turn from Battiato's first eight avant-garde albums, which ranged from electronica to musique concrète to minimalist piano explorations. Battiato reinvented himself as a pop singer/songwriter and in so doing created a unique sound and style he would continue to rework for the rest of his career. The songs on this album introduce several touchstones for Battiato, with references to spirituality, ancient and modern history, Arabic culture, and his native Sicily. Violinist Giusto Pio collaborated on the arrangements. The constellation that we call the Age of Aquarius was once that of the Boar. In the Celtic tradition, the White Boar symbolized spiritual knowledge, or Consciousness.
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Friday, February 2, 2018

Pasqua etiope - Egyptian Passover

Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine
Et lux perpetua luceat eis
Te decet hymnus deus in Sion
Et tibi reddetur votum in Jerusalem
Exaudi orationem meam
ad te omnis caro veniet
Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison
Kyrie eleison, Khriste eleison

Pasqua etiope © 1979 Franco Battiato

"Pasqua etiope" combines the texts for the Introit and the Kyrie Eleison of the Requiem Mass into a lovely pop prayer. Was there anything being made like this in popular music in 1979?

Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
A hymn, O God, becometh Thee in Zion;
and a vow shall be paid to Thee in Jerusalem:
hear my prayer;
all flesh shall come to Thee.
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy.

L'Era del Cinghiale Bianco was released in 1979 and represented a 180-degree turn from Battiato's first eight avant-garde albums, which ranged from electronica to musique concrète to minimalist piano explorations. Battiato reinvented himself as a pop singer/songwriter and in so doing created a unique sound and style he would continue to rework for the rest of his career. The songs on this album introduce several touchstones for Battiato, with references to spirituality, ancient and modern history, Arabic culture, and his native Sicily. Violinist Giusto Pio collaborated on the arrangements. The constellation that we call the Age of Aquarius was once that of the Boar. In the Celtic tradition, the White Boar symbolized spiritual knowledge, or Consciousness.
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Thursday, February 1, 2018

Stranizza d'amuri - Strangeness of Love

'Ndo vadduni da Scammacca
I carritteri ogni tantu
Lassaunu i loru bisogni
E i muscuni ci abbulaunu supra
Jeumu a caccia di lucettuli ...
A litturina da Ciccum-Etnea
I saggi ginnici, 'u Nabuccu
A scola sta finennu

Man manu ca passunu i jonna
Sta frevi mi trasi 'nda ll'ossa
Ccu tuttu ca fora c'è a guerra
Mi sentu stranizza d'amuri

E quannu t'ancontru 'nda strata
Mi veni 'na scossa 'ndo cori
Ccu tuttu ca fora si mori
Na mori stranizza d'amuri

E quannu t'ancontru 'nda strata
Mi veni 'na scossa 'ndo cori
Ccu tuttu ca fora si mori
Na mori stranizza d'amuri

Man manu ca passunu i jonna
Sta frevi mi trasi 'nda ll'ossa
Ccu tuttu ca fora c'è a guerra
Mi sentu stranizza d'amuri

Stranizza d'amuri © 1979 Franco Battiato

"Stranizza d'amuri" is in the Sicilian dialect, and is somewhat of a rarity for Battiato - a love song - though not the schmaltzy type that eventually turned him off when he was trying to establish himself as a singer in the period from 1965-1968. The song is in 7/4 time, which is quite unusual; Pink Floyd's "Money" is another such song.

In Scammacca Valley
the wagoners every so often
did their business
and the mosquitos flew over.
We went on lizard hunts . . .
the boxcar of the Circumetnea
the gym tests, Nabucco,
school is wrapping up.

Gradually as the days pass
this fever enters my bones.
Even if outside there’s a war,
I feel a strangeness of love.

And when I meet you on the street,
comes a tremor in my heart,
and even if outside there is dying,
this strangeness of love doesn’t die.

And when I meet you on the street,
comes a tremor in my heart,
and even if outside there is dying,
this strangeness of love doesn’t die.

Gradually as the days pass
this fever enters my bones.
Even if outside there’s a war,
I feel a strangeness of love.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

L'Era del Cinghiale Bianco was released in 1979 and represented a 180-degree turn from Battiato's first eight avant-garde albums, which ranged from electronica to musique concrète to minimalist piano explorations. Battiato reinvented himself as a pop singer/songwriter and in so doing created a unique sound and style he would continue to rework for the rest of his career. The songs on this album introduce several touchstones for Battiato, with references to spirituality, ancient and modern history, Arabic culture, and his native Sicily. Violinist Giusto Pio collaborated on the arrangements. The constellation that we call the Age of Aquarius was once that of the Boar. In the Celtic tradition, the White Boar symbolized spiritual knowledge, or Consciousness.
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