Friday, December 1, 2017

No U Turn

Per conoscere
Me e le mie verità
Io ho combattuto
Fantasmi di angosce
Con perdite di io

Per distruggere
Vecchie realtà
Ho galleggiato
Su mari di irrazionalità

Ho dormito per non morire
Buttando i miei miti di carta
Su cieli di schizophrenia

No U Turn © 1974 Franco Battiato

The lyrics of this song refer to the psychological crisis Battiato experienced in the summer of 1973 when he moved to New York City to find a new musical direction from that of his first two albums.

To know
myself and my truths
I battled
phantasms of anguish
with losses of the “I.”

To destroy
old realities
I floated
on seas of irrationality.

I slept to not die,
throwing my paper myths
onto skies of schizophrenia.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

“On his fourth album, Clic, Franco Battiato moves further out – into realms of pure and elemental approaches to sound – to create a seminal work that flows naturally from one musical form to the next. Every second ripples with orbital chords, kosmische textures and schizophrenic string quartets, yet somehow manages the same dramatic pacing and variety as his avant-rock albums Fetus and Pollution. Originally released in 1974 on Bla Bla, Clic features Battiato on VCS3 synthesizer and piano, along with trusted collaborators Gianni Mocchetti on guitar and Gianfranco D'Adda on percussion. While only "No U Turn" bears the maestro's voice, these seven tracks contain some of his boldest melodies, an underlying thread that runs through the choral arrangements and meditative compositions.” – Superior Viaduct review.

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